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About the Social Security System in Japan

Last updated: 20 Feb, 2024


» Want to know more about the disability welfare policy of Japan?

Generally speaking, the welfare policy for the disabled person is one of the Social Security Systems in Japan. Firstly, let's briefly introduce the Social Security System.

The Social Security System in Japan is the safety net that provides wide-range support to the citizens. This wide-range supportive system consists 4 main pillars as below:

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1.Social Insurnace  (Health insurance, Health insurance for the elders, Public Pensions, Labour accident insurance)

Individuals and companies have the obligation to pay insurance premiums with the target of "Every citizen is covered with insurance and pension". The social insurance can cover a certain percentage of  assistance and daily expenses in case of injury, sick or getting older and etc.

2.Public Assistance  (Life protection:Allowance - Living, Housing, Medical, Healthcare, Education, Umployment, Maternity leave, Burial )

To ensure a basic standard of living for those low-income families,  necessary living expenses are provided by the government. 

3.Welare Services  (Welfare for the disabled, Welfare for the elders, Child welfare, Maternal and child welfare)

This is public welfare support services for the elderly, disabled, child and families who are in need.

4. Public Health Service  (Infection prevention and related health issues)

This system manages various precautionary measures and the sanitary environment to ensure  a healthy living environment for the citizens.

​Key Point

  1.  "Social Insurance" is closely related to our life as every resident living in Japan shall be obligated to join the public pension and  health insurance. 

  2. Those who do not have a pension or health insurance (in any reasons) have to pay all the expenses themselves due to illness or etc. 

  3. A subsidy system (Disabiliy Pension, Special allowance for disabled person, Welfare allowance for children with disability and etc.) is provided to those with disability, depends on the level of disability. (However,  certain requirements have to be fullfilled which are varied in different provinces. )

  4. "Welfare benefits for disabled foreign residents in Japan"(在日外国人障害者福祉給付金) is available for those who are unable to join the public pension system (with certain requirements). 

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